Maxine Waters Says Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema “Don’t Give a Darn” About Police Reform

The California congresswoman called for congressional action around police brutality.

In response to fresh calls for congressional action around the subject of police violence following the beating death of Tyre Nichols by Memphis police officers, Rep. Maxine Waters claimed on Sunday that Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema "don't give a darn" about police reform according to The Hill.

In an interview with Symone Sanders on MSNBC's "Symone," Waters expressed her outrage over the killing of young Black men in multiple incidents over the years, and argued that nothing can improve unless people continue to protest and rally for change and also elect officials who care about the issue.

Speaking plainly, Waters said, “When you look at even two Democrats — Manchin of course, and of course that woman from Arizona  — they don’t give a darn about this issue. They would rather have the power to determine what happens in the Senate by using their two votes for themselves than anything else.”

The Senate filibuster, which has allowed Republicans to obstruct Democratic priorities such as voting rights, abortion protection, and criminal justice reform over the past two years, has been fiercely defended by Sinema and Manchin, who have been criticized as occupying a “spoiler” position among congressional democrats.

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Since the start of the current Congress, Sinema and Manchin have reaffirmed their support for the filibuster. In a speech at the World Economic Forum earlier this month, Sinema referred to it as an "important guardrail for the institution" before she and Manchin high-fived one another for their efforts to defend the rule.

Speaking on the Sunday show, Waters explained she and others are working to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, “We keep fighting, we keep begging, we keep doing everything that we possibly can.” She lamented that those efforts haven’t succeeded because “we don’t have enough members who care enough about this issue.”

The George Floyd Act would prohibit chokeholds and no-knock warrants for all federal law enforcement agencies, establish a national registry of police abuses, and make it easier to sue and prosecute officers. In 2020, Sinema spoke out against efforts to "defund the police," which gained traction following Floyd's killing by Minneapolis police.

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Both Manchin and Sinema have called for bipartisan solutions to police reform, but Republicans have shown little interest in many of the Democratic reforms.

Manchin’s office released a statement on the death of Tyre Nichols, calling the killing “horrific and inhumane. The statement continued, “Now, more than ever, we as a nation must unite in one voice and not only speak out against such brutality, but use our positions of power and influence to make meaningful change so no other family must endure this pain.”

President Joe Biden has also released a statement after the release of the video of police beating Nichols. He asked Congress to pass the police reform bill, and said in a statement of the event, “It is yet another painful reminder of the profound fear and trauma, the pain, and the exhaustion that Black and Brown Americans experience every single day.”

Sinema has so far been silent on the matter.

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