Bad News for Blac Chyna's Side Piece

His 15 minutes of fame has an unfortunate ending.

Blac Chyna's most recent side-piece, Ferrari, had somewhat risen to social media fame after he was exposed by the model's ex-fiancé Rob Kardashian in a blow out where he claimed she was being unfaithful.

Ferrari was on track to benefitting big time from the unfortunate situation by landing a gig on the upcoming season of Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta. However, those plans quickly fell through as he seemed to get a bit too ahead of himself.

A leaked text message thread by Ferrari's alleged baby's mother claims that the folks over at the franchise snatched the opportunity away from him after he opened his mouth to the folks over at TMZ when he wasn't cleared to share the information yet.

Take a look, below:

Well, his 15 minutes have been fun while they lasted.

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