Whoopi Goldberg and Barbara Walters Feuding?

Tabloid claims The View hosts have beef over Whoopi's defense of weed.

A tabloid says there is new friction (isn't that daily?) on the set of the popular daytime talk show, The View.

The National Enquirer claims Whoopi Goldberg and Barbara Walters are locked in what they describe as a “smokin’ feud" that seems to be centered on Whoopi’s ongoing comments about marijuana.  A source from the set told the gossip rag, "According to Barbara, viewers were angry because Whoopi was basically saying smoking pot is okay, while they're trying to convince their kids that it's not."

Apparently, The View has been barraged with angry emails, letters and phone calls demanding Whoopi to tone down her weed talk.  The source added, "Barbara has said that Whoopi is acting like an advocate to legalize marijuana, and she doesn't like it.” The legendary journalist allegedly told the Oscar-winning actress “to stop glamorizing the use of illegal drugs on the air.”

To be fair, Goldberg didn't endorse marijuana for children.  In comparison to alcohol, she said weed wasn't as bad. 


(Photo: Walter McBride/Retna Ltd.)

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