Third Sex and the City Film Confirmed \r \r

The show’s star confesses another project is in the works.

Fans of Sex and the City will never get enough of Carrie Bradshaw and crew.


From the iconic television show and two films that helped define an entire generation of stylish women, SATC will never go out of style. It seems the creators are well aware of this.


The Huffington Post reports Sarah Jessica Parker has confirmed there will be more from the women in the future. The actress says, "I know what the story is. It's a small story, but I think it should be told. The question is, what’s the right time to tell it?”  


There’s also a rumor the next phase could be a prequel featuring new and fresh fashionable faces. Whatever it turns out to be, hopefully Grammy award and Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson, 29, will join the cast again, as she did in the first film.

(Photo: MMIX New Line Productions; Inc.)

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