Lady Gaga Goes ... Normal?

The zany singer shocks fans in Harper's Bazaar with a clean look.

Lady Gaga takes on her most fascinating look thus far – Stephani Germanotta. The bare-faced pop goddess puts her God-given features on full display in the October issue of Harper’s Bazaar. No crazy makeup, wild hair, mermaid tail or egg-shell incubator. Just vulnerability.
"Whether I'm wearing lots of makeup or no makeup, I'm always the same person inside," she told the mag. "I think what has been lovely about my relationship with the public is that they expect something unexpected from me."
The singer covers the “Fabulous at Every Age” issue with wispy, straight tresses and a dreamy gaze. Inside the issue, she also reveals that she was a “free-spirited” child and she keeps her insanely toned body in shape by maintaining a consistent bikram yoga routine.
Normalcy looks good on Gaga, but it’s the bonafide crazy that keeps us coming back for more.

(Photo: Inez & Vinoodh)

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