Bobby V Carjacked at Gunpoint

Two armed robbers steal singer’s 2013 Bentley in Atlanta.

An ordinary visit to the studio turned into a harrowing experience for R&B crooner Bobby V late Tuesday night (Jan. 22) in Atlanta.

The 32-year-old singer/songwriter was the victim of a carjacking at gunpoint after two men approached him in the parking lot of Hot Beats Recording Studio, The Associated Press reports.  The assailants forced him to give up his 2013 Bentley, which the singer wisely did without a fight.

Feeling rather grateful that he survived the robbery unharmed, Bobby V took to Twitter to discuss the ordeal.

“GOD saved me last night.. Thank u Lord life is so precious&we take it 4 granted!! Everything u wanna do, DO IT!pray&be thankful 4 wht u hav!,” he wrote.

Fortunately, Atlanta police have apprehended one of the suspects after witnesses were able to identify him. The luxury vehicle was also recovered by an off-duty lieutenant who heard about the robbery over the police radio. is your #1 source for Black celebrity news, photos, exclusive videos and all the latest in the world of hip hop and R&B music.


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(Photo: John Ricard/BET)

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