Rally Held for Jordan Miles; Officers in Beating to Return to Work

Supporters of beaten teen protest in Pittsburgh.

(Photo: Family Photo)

More than 100 people marched outside the Pittsburgh City-County Building Friday to protest the Justice Department’s decision to not charge three Pittsburgh police officers involved in the beating of Jordan Miles. Miles did not attend.


The DOJ said Wednesday there was not sufficient evidence to charge the officers with violating Miles’ civil rights.


The day after the DOJ’s announcement, the Pittsburgh Police Department said the three officers would be reinstated. They had had been suspended with pay for more than 15 months.


Back in January 2010, Miles was beaten up by plainclothes officers Richard Ewing, Michael Saldutte and David Sisak after he’d left his mother’s home. The officers claimed they thought Miles had a gun under his jacket. They later found out it was a Mountain Dew bottle.


Another rally is being planned for May 14 at police headquarters to pressure the police chief into disciplining the officers.

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