5 Things to Know About Avery

Don't miss Being Mary Jane Tuesdays at 10P/9C!

5 Things to Know About Avery - You met her when Mary Jane first stepped to her with the truth about her failing marriage, but last week you got to know a little more about Avery Daniels as a woman. Find out five things about Avery that you didn't know before and see what she does tonight on Being Mary Jane at 10P/9C!  1. She's Straightforward  Not only did Avery handle the news about her husband cheating like a champ, she then approached Mary Jane at SNC to press her about the details of her relationship with Andre. Talk about bold.  (Photo: BET)

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5 Things to Know About Avery - You met her when Mary Jane first stepped to her with the truth about her failing marriage, but last week you got to know a little more about Avery Daniels as a woman. Find out five things about Avery that you didn't know before and see what she does tonight on Being Mary Jane at 10P/9C! 1. She's Straightforward Not only did Avery handle the news about her husband cheating like a champ, she then approached Mary Jane at SNC to press her about the details of her relationship with Andre. Talk about bold. (Photo: BET)

2. She Knows the Law - Avery doesn't just practice law, she knows the law like the back of her hand. Not sure what we mean? Just be clear that "here's your paperwork" has a whole new meaning after tonight.   (Photo: BET)

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2. She Knows the Law - Avery doesn't just practice law, she knows the law like the back of her hand. Not sure what we mean? Just be clear that "here's your paperwork" has a whole new meaning after tonight. (Photo: BET)

3. She's Emotional - If you judged her by the many encounters that she has had with Mary Jane, you'd think that Avery was cold-blooded and ruthless, but she is in fact very soft and extremely in touch with her feelings around relationships, motherhood and work.  (Photo: BET)

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3. She's Emotional - If you judged her by the many encounters that she has had with Mary Jane, you'd think that Avery was cold-blooded and ruthless, but she is in fact very soft and extremely in touch with her feelings around relationships, motherhood and work. (Photo: BET)

4. She's Selfish - It's easy to say that Andre is the selfish half of this broken marriage, but Avery also has a selfish side that slowly, but surely, reveals itself tonight.   (Photo: BET)

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4. She's Selfish - It's easy to say that Andre is the selfish half of this broken marriage, but Avery also has a selfish side that slowly, but surely, reveals itself tonight. (Photo: BET)

5. She's In Love - Although Avery knows that divorce may be in her near future, she doesn't shy away from the opportunity to have an intimate moment with her husband, smiles and all.   (Photo: BET)

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5. She's In Love - Although Avery knows that divorce may be in her near future, she doesn't shy away from the opportunity to have an intimate moment with her husband, smiles and all. (Photo: BET)