Episode 4 : Photos | First In

A red flag warning causes tension at home for Marcel. See episode four photos now.

Van Fire - Someone set this homeless shelter van on fire.

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Van Fire - Someone set this homeless shelter van on fire.

Halvo - Halvo pulls out a ladder to get on top of a burning house.

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Halvo - Halvo pulls out a ladder to get on top of a burning house.

Ventilate - Halvo opens the roof to expose the flames inside the house.

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Ventilate - Halvo opens the roof to expose the flames inside the house.

Let It Burn - Episode 4<br><br>A witness reveals that Michael wanted revenge after Paulette was caught with another man. So what did he do? He burned down the house they were staying in.

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Tell It All - This woman says her boyfriend started the house fire.

Explanation - Marcel investigates to find out who started the fire.

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Explanation - Marcel investigates to find out who started the fire.

Probies vs. Vets - The firefighters enjoy a game of football.

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Probies vs. Vets - The firefighters enjoy a game of football.

Tough Enough - The veterans play hard to win.

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Tough Enough - The veterans play hard to win.

Motorcycle Accident - A man speeds around a corner and loses control. The motorcycle is destroyed.

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Motorcycle Accident - A man speeds around a corner and loses control. The motorcycle is destroyed.

Frustration - Marcel's home life takes a back seat to his job as a firefighter.

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Frustration - Marcel's home life takes a back seat to his job as a firefighter.

Medic - Jerome attends to a gunshot wound victim at the scene of a collision.

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Medic - Jerome attends to a gunshot wound victim at the scene of a collision.

Wounded - This person is rushed to the hospital after getting shot.

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Wounded - This person is rushed to the hospital after getting shot.

Marcel - Marcel explains the hit-and-run collision that resulted in several people getting shot.

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Marcel - Marcel explains the hit-and-run collision that resulted in several people getting shot.