
Buffalo Audubon Society To Change Name Because Of Namesake's Racist History

During his lifetime, John James Audubon owned at least nine slaves and endorsed eugenics.

National Genealogical Society Apologizes For Past Racist Actions

Some of the founders of the NGS promoted theories such as the purification of the White race.
NC Wrongfully Sterilized Victims May Get $50,000 in Compensation - A task force announced on Nov. 10 that it is recommending to the state of North Carolina that women who were sterilized against their will between 1929 and 1974  be paid $50,000 each in reparations. (Photo: AP Photo/Jim R. Bounds)

Eugenics Victim, Son Fighting Together for Justice

Elaine Riddick feels compelled to speak out.

North Carolina to Compensate Sterilization Victims

Sterilization victims in North Carolina to be compensated.