5 Things You Need to Know About Tommy Davidson

Everything you might have forgotten about Tommy Davidson.

In Living Color  - Back in the day, Tommy Davidson got his winning start on In Living Color. 

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In Living Color  - Back in the day, Tommy Davidson got his winning start on In Living Color. 


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He Took a Comedic Stand - Tommy Davidson could be found on any given night performing at a comedy club during the early stages of his career.(Photo: Paras Griffin/Getty Images for HCE LIve)

Photo By Photo: Paras Griffin/Getty Images for HCE LIve

The Voice of Oscar Proud - We were here to watch The Proud Family as part of our Saturday morning cartoon rotation. Lo and behold, the voice of Oscar Proud was Tommy Davidson's.(Photo: The Disney Channel)

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The Voice of Oscar Proud - We were here to watch The Proud Family as part of our Saturday morning cartoon rotation. Lo and behold, the voice of Oscar Proud was Tommy Davidson's.(Photo: The Disney Channel)


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He Was in the Pizza Hut Commericial!  - Remember back in 2002 when Tommy Davidson was in a Pizza Hut commercial promoting P'Zones? (Photo: Tim Boyle/Getty Images)

Photo By Photo: Tim Boyle/Getty Images

Beyond In Living Color - Beyond starring in In Living Color, he also had roles in Booty Call and Bamboozled. (Photo: Destination Films/Sony Pictures)

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Beyond In Living Color - Beyond starring in In Living Color, he also had roles in Booty Call and Bamboozled. (Photo: Destination Films/Sony Pictures)