#SelfLove: 10 Ways to Love Your Body Better in 2016

Make cherishing your physique your number one resolution.

Adore and Cherish Your Body This Year - Self-love is an incredible thing, especially when it comes to appreciating and adoring the body you have now — an act that isn’t always as easy as it sounds. Make the New Year one that your body will thank you for with these tips on how to love it much more. By Kellee Terrell  (Photo: Peathegee Inc/Blend Images/Corbis)

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Adore and Cherish Your Body This Year - Self-love is an incredible thing, especially when it comes to appreciating and adoring the body you have now — an act that isn’t always as easy as it sounds. Make the New Year one that your body will thank you for with these tips on how to love it much more. By Kellee Terrell (Photo: Peathegee Inc/Blend Images/Corbis)

Stop Trash Talking It - A lot of us could stand to lose a few pounds in certain areas, but some of us are never satisfied with what we've got. Whatever your body goals are, you have to stop talking trash about your physique. That is never going to motivate you to make changes — it’s just makes you sadder, which will just usher in failure. Instead, acknowledge what you want to change and affirm what you do love about your body.(Photo: Hero Images/Corbis)

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Stop Trash Talking It - A lot of us could stand to lose a few pounds in certain areas, but some of us are never satisfied with what we've got. Whatever your body goals are, you have to stop talking trash about your physique. That is never going to motivate you to make changes — it’s just makes you sadder, which will just usher in failure. Instead, acknowledge what you want to change and affirm what you do love about your body.(Photo: Hero Images/Corbis)

Stop Comparing It to Others - With our incessant need to be logged on to Facebook and Instagram, we are constantly gawking at our friends, strangers and celebs’ tight and toned bodies. And while it can serve as inspiration, a lot of times it does the exact opposite — it makes you feel worse about yourself. So stop comparing yourself, wanting her thighs and her abs, and focus on being your best self.  (Photo: Hero Images Inc./Hero Images Inc./Corbis)

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Stop Comparing It to Others - With our incessant need to be logged on to Facebook and Instagram, we are constantly gawking at our friends, strangers and celebs’ tight and toned bodies. And while it can serve as inspiration, a lot of times it does the exact opposite — it makes you feel worse about yourself. So stop comparing yourself, wanting her thighs and her abs, and focus on being your best self. (Photo: Hero Images Inc./Hero Images Inc./Corbis)

Stop Blaming It for the Bad Stuff in Your Life - Yes, the world is obsessed with size, but your weight and body are not the root behind every last disappointment in your life. So please stop telling yourself that. If you didn’t get that job or that boy didn’t ask you out again, maybe that means it just wasn’t meant to be. Keep pushing on because good things do and will happen for you, regardless of your size.  (Photo: 68/George Doyle/Ocean/Corbis)

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Stop Blaming It for the Bad Stuff in Your Life - Yes, the world is obsessed with size, but your weight and body are not the root behind every last disappointment in your life. So please stop telling yourself that. If you didn’t get that job or that boy didn’t ask you out again, maybe that means it just wasn’t meant to be. Keep pushing on because good things do and will happen for you, regardless of your size. (Photo: 68/George Doyle/Ocean/Corbis)

Feed It Healthier Foods More Often     - Yes, you go ahead and have the occasional Big Mac, fries and soda, but eating healthy, nutrient dense foods — vegetables, fruits, lean meats, beans, legumes and whole grains — is a great way to thank and appreciate your body. Remember: Your body isn’t just about what it looks like on the outside — it’s also about the inside. Good health is one of the most loving gifts you can give yourself.  (Photo: Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/Blend Images/Corbis)

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Feed It Healthier Foods More Often     - Yes, you go ahead and have the occasional Big Mac, fries and soda, but eating healthy, nutrient dense foods — vegetables, fruits, lean meats, beans, legumes and whole grains — is a great way to thank and appreciate your body. Remember: Your body isn’t just about what it looks like on the outside — it’s also about the inside. Good health is one of the most loving gifts you can give yourself. (Photo: Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/Blend Images/Corbis)

Make It Sweat More  - Exercise is another amazing way to show your butt and thighs some serious love. It doesn’t just burn fat, help you lose weight, stabilize blood sugar levels and strengthen your heart, it also releases feel good hormones that can help you improve your mood and cope with stress better. So go ahead and find the workouts that make you feel strong and happy!  (Photo: Monkey Business Images/Corbis)

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Make It Sweat More  - Exercise is another amazing way to show your butt and thighs some serious love. It doesn’t just burn fat, help you lose weight, stabilize blood sugar levels and strengthen your heart, it also releases feel good hormones that can help you improve your mood and cope with stress better. So go ahead and find the workouts that make you feel strong and happy! (Photo: Monkey Business Images/Corbis)

Take It to the Doctor and Get Checked - With Obamacare, private health insurance, community health centers and clinics like Planned Parenthood, whether you have coverage or not, going to the doctor and getting screened for diseases such as HIV, STDS, cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease and other issues is really important. Loving your body means knowing your status with everything.    (Photo: Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/Blend Images/Corbis)

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Take It to the Doctor and Get Checked - With Obamacare, private health insurance, community health centers and clinics like Planned Parenthood, whether you have coverage or not, going to the doctor and getting screened for diseases such as HIV, STDS, cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease and other issues is really important. Loving your body means knowing your status with everything.  (Photo: Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/Blend Images/Corbis)

Walk Around Naked in the Crib More - We spend so much time hiding our bodies because of how we feel about it, we forget the power of nudity. Walking around your crib in your birthday suit can make you feel more confident and empower you to love what God has given you.  (Photo: Peathegee Inc/Blend Images/Corbis)

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Walk Around Naked in the Crib More - We spend so much time hiding our bodies because of how we feel about it, we forget the power of nudity. Walking around your crib in your birthday suit can make you feel more confident and empower you to love what God has given you. (Photo: Peathegee Inc/Blend Images/Corbis)

Make Love to It...And More Often - Self-love also means exploring your sensual side — and not just with someone else. Masturbation is a great stress reliever that helps you understand what really turns you on, empowers you and builds confidence, helps you sleep better and can improve your mood. So get adventurous with it and invest in a good vibrator!  (Photo: Hero Images/Corbis)

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Make Love to It...And More Often - Self-love also means exploring your sensual side — and not just with someone else. Masturbation is a great stress reliever that helps you understand what really turns you on, empowers you and builds confidence, helps you sleep better and can improve your mood. So get adventurous with it and invest in a good vibrator! (Photo: Hero Images/Corbis)

Immortalize Yourself With Selfies  - While selfies can be a sign of narcissism, they don’t always have to be. Sometimes when we’re feeling down, we need reminders of all of the other times we looked fly. So snap away, but don’t be annoying by posting them all over social media. It’s OK to leave some for just you.  (Photo: JGI/Jamie Grill/Blend Images/Corbis)

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Immortalize Yourself With Selfies  - While selfies can be a sign of narcissism, they don’t always have to be. Sometimes when we’re feeling down, we need reminders of all of the other times we looked fly. So snap away, but don’t be annoying by posting them all over social media. It’s OK to leave some for just you. (Photo: JGI/Jamie Grill/Blend Images/Corbis)

Be Present - We hear a lot of women say, “When I lose weight, that’s when I’ll do this or that,” and it’s sad because your dress size shouldn’t stand in the way of you living your life. Yes, confidence plays a role in your ability to be social and adventurous, but you only live once and time is not guaranteed. So live it up!  (Photo: JPM/cultura/Corbis)

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Be Present - We hear a lot of women say, “When I lose weight, that’s when I’ll do this or that,” and it’s sad because your dress size shouldn’t stand in the way of you living your life. Yes, confidence plays a role in your ability to be social and adventurous, but you only live once and time is not guaranteed. So live it up! (Photo: JPM/cultura/Corbis)