Uncle Luke Said Donald Trump Had a Party So Wild, He Had to Leave

Uncle Luke couldn't handle it? Geez.

Donald Trump has said some pretty repulsive things about women over the past few weeks, and really, since his campaign began.

Ever since his private comments describing his desire to sexually assault women (or “grab them in the p***y”) became public, everyone who’s ever encountered anything the GOP presidential candidate did or said he was going to do with women is surfacing with their story. It’s even made its way over to hip-hop.

Uncle Luke, who recently pointed out the hypocrisy in Republicans supporting a candidate who denigrates women but came after him for his misogynistic lyrics, is now also speaking out about his experiences with The Donald. In an interview with the Kevin Klein Live show, the 2 Live Crew founder described a party he once attended that was thrown by Trump. He says it was so raunchy he had to leave.

“Me, Mike Tyson and Eddie Murphy, we were invited to his mansion in West Palm Beach one time. And he had all these women running around,” he explained. “It was so much going on to the point that I couldn’t take what was going in that room and I left.” When asked to describe what exactly made him leave, Luke’s response was, “It was some wild things going on. It was some things I can’t even say over this radio.”

SMH. Wow. Listen to the entire Uncle Luke interview about Donald Trump below.

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