How to Deal When Your Family Doesn't Like Your Man

Finding a happy middle ground is possible.

Family Matters - When entering into a romantic relationship, one of the first things many women seek is the approval of their parents — and unfortunately, things don't always go as planned. It's never fun to learn of your family's dislike of your man, but hopefully these tips will help you bring the most important people in your life together to find a happy middle ground. By Dontaira Terrell  (Photo: Beathan/Corbis)

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Family Matters - When entering into a romantic relationship, one of the first things many women seek is the approval of their parents — and unfortunately, things don't always go as planned. It's never fun to learn of your family's dislike of your man, but hopefully these tips will help you bring the most important people in your life together to find a happy middle ground. By Dontaira Terrell  (Photo: Beathan/Corbis)

Your Support System Is Concerned - If someone you trust, be it your bestie, your mama or a co-worker, has asked if you’re OK, perhaps you’re not. A licensed therapist can help you sort through whatever is holding you down.   (Photo: Jon Feingersh/Blend Images)

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Talk It Out - First off: find out the reasoning behind their dislike of your current relationship. Getting to the bottom of things can’t hurt, right? (Photo: Jon Feingersh/Blend Images)

Be Open to Change - Not everything can be placed on your Mom—you are at fault, too, sometimes. Work on being a better daughter. If you are a yeller, try talking more calmly. If you don’t respect your mother’s time, start. Because nothing ever changes if you don’t make an effort, right?(Photo:Cavan Images/Getty Images)

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Be Understanding - It's important to be understanding of your family's apprehensiveness regarding your relationship because, naturally, they only want what’s best for you.  (Photo: Cavan Images/Getty Images)

One-on-One - Voice your concerns, especially if you’re feeling misunderstood by your family. You’d be surprised how it may actually help them gain a better understanding of your relationship, and most importantly, the happiness you share with your mate.  (Photo: Mango Productions/Corbis)

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One-on-One - Voice your concerns, especially if you’re feeling misunderstood by your family. You’d be surprised how it may actually help them gain a better understanding of your relationship, and most importantly, the happiness you share with your mate.  (Photo: Mango Productions/Corbis)

Emotionally Unavailable - If he is responsive and admits his previous wrongdoings, then this is a good step in the right direction. On the other hand, if he shuts down or refuses to discuss what happened in the past, then he is stuck in his stubborn ways or not emotionally invested. Either way, his lack of responsiveness and emotional availability are questionable.   (Photo: Image Source/Getty Images)

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Don't Leave Him in the Dark - It's necessary to be open and honest with your man. This includes making sure he is aware of your family's disapproval and giving him an opportunity to respond to those concerns. Keeping him in the dark about the situation will more than likely make matters worse. (Photo: Image Source/Getty Images)

Change the Perception - While your outward appearance doesn’t define everything about you, sometimes a makeunder can really change the way you are perceived — for the better.   (Photo: Benjamin A. Peterson/Mother Image/mother image/Corbis)

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Take a Moment - Take a minute to yourself and analyze your family's perspective as well as your personal happiness. Weigh the pros and cons of whether or not the strain your relationship is causing is worth the headache.  (Photo: Benjamin A. Peterson/Mother Image/mother image/Corbis)

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff - Sometimes, we just have to roll with the punches. If your family makes condescending jokes or snide remarks about your relationship, it’s best to ignore or keep it moving. No need to get into a verbal blowout with them because romantic partners come and go. Your family, however, is here to stay. So think before you speak. (Photo: Ronnie Kaufman/Larry Hirshowitz//Blend Images/Corbis)

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Don't Sweat the Small Stuff - Sometimes, we just have to roll with the punches. If your family makes condescending jokes or snide remarks about your relationship, it’s best to ignore or keep it moving. No need to get into a verbal blowout with them because romantic partners come and go. Your family, however, is here to stay. So think before you speak. (Photo: Ronnie Kaufman/Larry Hirshowitz//Blend Images/Corbis)

Visit Your Elderly Neighbor - That nice lady who lives upstairs who never gets any visitors? We bet she’d love to have you sit with her for an hour a week.  (Photo: Patrick Lane Photography/Corbis)

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Give It Time - Believe it or not, all it takes is a little time and some adjusting when bringing your lover around the family so they can get to know him on a more personal level. Allow them to see what you see in him. (Photo: Patrick Lane Photography/Corbis)

Photo By Photo: Patrick Lane Photography/Corbis

Don't Make It Awkward  - It’s a very tense situation for everyone involved, so don’t try to force a relationship between your beau and family. Also, when surrounded by family, try to keep the conversation topics on the lighter side, especially in the beginning, because a difference of opinion on sensitive or meaningful topics probably won’t go over so well. (Photo: Don Bayley/Getty Images)

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Don't Make It Awkward - It’s a very tense situation for everyone involved, so don’t try to force a relationship between your beau and family. Also, when surrounded by family, try to keep the conversation topics on the lighter side, especially in the beginning, because a difference of opinion on sensitive or meaningful topics probably won’t go over so well. (Photo: Don Bayley/Getty Images)

Let It Go - After exhausting all options of trying to make your family have a change of heart, then it’s time to come to terms with their feelings. Although they may or may not be right in their dislike of your lover, it's time to focus less of your energy on trying to change their opinions about him.   (Photo: Comstock Images/Getty Images)

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Let It Go - After exhausting all options of trying to make your family have a change of heart, then it’s time to come to terms with their feelings. Although they may or may not be right in their dislike of your lover, it's time to focus less of your energy on trying to change their opinions about him. (Photo: Comstock Images/Getty Images)