Strength of Brotherhood: Part 3

Each cadet sheds light on their off-duty activities.

The Uniform - Officer Williams shows off how she looks in full uniform. "When people see me in uniform, they automatically assume that I do ROTC stuff all my life," she says.  (Photo: BET)

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The Uniform - Officer Williams shows off how she looks in full uniform. "When people see me in uniform, they automatically assume that I do ROTC stuff all my life," she says. (Photo: BET)

Metamorphosis - Williams prepares to step out of her house, this time without the uniform.  (Photo: BET)

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Metamorphosis - Williams prepares to step out of her house, this time without the uniform. (Photo: BET)

The Transformation - Williams' civilian appearance is a stark contrast to her ROTC one.  (Photo: BET)

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The Transformation - Williams' civilian appearance is a stark contrast to her ROTC one. (Photo: BET)

Photo By Photo: BET

Pretty Normal - On occasion, people unfamiliar with ROTC will make assumptions about the cadets based on their appearance in uniform. "I'm a cadet, I go to school and I'm pretty normal," says Officer Aziz.   (Photo: BET)

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Pretty Normal - On occasion, people unfamiliar with ROTC will make assumptions about the cadets based on their appearance in uniform. "I'm a cadet, I go to school and I'm pretty normal," says Officer Aziz.  (Photo: BET)

Shared Interests - Elijah Lake sits on the swings with his girlfriend, who is also an ROTC cadet. They have many commonalities and their commitment to ROTC helps solidify this.  (Photo: BET)

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Shared Interests - Elijah Lake sits on the swings with his girlfriend, who is also an ROTC cadet. They have many commonalities and their commitment to ROTC helps solidify this. (Photo: BET)

Doing Something Positive - Officer Perkins used to get into a lot of fights in his youth. As his father explains, "I gave that anger to something positive. I took him to Upton gym."   (Photo: BET)

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Doing Something Positive - Officer Perkins used to get into a lot of fights in his youth. As his father explains, "I gave that anger to something positive. I took him to Upton gym."  (Photo: BET)

Extracirricular Activities - Courtland Perkins wraps his hands as he prepares to step into the boxing ring. Perkins has been boxing for two years and has won the Golden Gloves, the regional championship and the state championship.  (Photo: BET)

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Extracirricular Activities - Courtland Perkins wraps his hands as he prepares to step into the boxing ring. Perkins has been boxing for two years and has won the Golden Gloves, the regional championship and the state championship. (Photo: BET)

Proud Upton Representative - Upton gym is the boxing center where Perkins honed his skills. Here he poses with his trainer Calvin Ford.  (Photo: BET)

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Proud Upton Representative - Upton gym is the boxing center where Perkins honed his skills. Here he poses with his trainer Calvin Ford. (Photo: BET)

Photo By Photo: BET

Success - Training under Ford has been instrumental towards Perkins' success. "I look at him like a second dad," he says.  (Photo: BET)

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Success - Training under Ford has been instrumental towards Perkins' success. "I look at him like a second dad," he says. (Photo: BET)