How to Eat More Fruits and Veggies

Incorporating more produce in your diet.


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Eat Oatmeal With Berries - It’s the perfect anti-aging breakfast. Oatmeal, blueberries and strawberries all contain high levels of antioxidants, which undo the damage that free radicals wreak on your tissues. Aim to eat one, or all, of these foods, daily.


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Get Plenty Every Day

Why It Matters - In addition to prolonging our lives, fruits and vegetables can help improve the quality of our health. It reduces our risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, stroke, obesity, cancers and eye problems. It can also stabilize your blood sugar and keep your appetite in check.   (Photo: Chris Radburn/PA Photos /Landov)

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Why It Matters

In Sight, In Mind - You know the phrase, “Out of sight, out of mind.” Same goes with where you place produce in your kitchen. Try leaving bananas and apples out in the open so you’re encouraged to eat them. Also, leave veggies that don’t need to be stored in the fridge in plan site, so you reach for them instead of something fattening. (Photo: Hans Wiedl/Landov)

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In Sight, In Mind

Try Juicing - Using a home juicer with fresh unsweetened produce, can definitely help you increase your fruit and veggie intake with the foods that you love. And it all tastes pretty good. Throw in some kale, apples, orange and ginger! Try these juicing recipes here.   (Photo: James and James/Getty Images)

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Try Juicing


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Upgrade Your Salad

Stir-Fry It Up - Another great and easy way to eat more veggies is to cook more stir-fry meals at home. You can chop up all kinds of vegetables, and even try with lean meat or meat free. In the end, it’s delicious and filling.  (Photo: courtesy Meatless Monday)

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Stir-Fry It Up

Substitute This for That - When eating out, instead of eating high carb potatoes, try getting something else in its place. We love our French fries, but keep healthier options in mind, like a side of grilled asparagus.(Photo: Nicole S. Young/Getty Images)

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Substitute This for That

Get Your Sauté On - Discover the yumminess of veggies sautéed in olive oil, garlic and spices. Not to mention the art of roasting vegetables, too, can turn Brussels sprouts into the best tasting thing on earth. These methods of cooking can make it easier and tastier.  (Photo: Iain Bagwell/Getty Images)

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Get Your Sauté On

Mix It Up - Why recreate the wheel? Add veggies to meals that you already love. Try adding chopped and sautéed veggies to your scrambled eggs, spaghetti sauce, pizza and even lasagna. Be creative with it.  (Photo: Alexandra Grablewski/Getty Images)

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Mix It Up

Make It Fun - Stepping outside of your produce comfort zone is a great way to try new things, which is important if you get tired of eating spinach every day. Next time you are at the store, walk through the fruit and vegetable isle to see what else is in store.   (Photo: Andrew Bret Wallis/Getty Images)

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Make It Fun


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Try Meatless Monday