10 Ways to Be More Authentic

Tips on getting back to the real you!

Keepin’ It Real - In today’s fast-paced, competitive world, whether we are “keeping up with the Joneses” or trying to get ahead at work, being phony can become more like the norm. Break free from the fakeness and start 2016 fresh with a more authentic and real you.  By Kellee Terrell  (Photo: Zave Smith/Getty Images)

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Keepin’ It Real - In today’s fast-paced, competitive world, whether we are “keeping up with the Joneses” or trying to get ahead at work, being phony can become more like the norm. Break free from the fakeness and start 2016 fresh with a more authentic and real you.  By Kellee Terrell (Photo: Zave Smith/Getty Images)

Your Confidence  - Other people may try to reduce your large presence to small words like “brash” and “sassy,” but we know you just can’t help being proud of who you are, and it bubbles through in every one of your interactions. They wouldn’t be able to contain their exuberance if they were you, either.  (Photo: Hero Images/Getty Images)

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Who’s That Girl? - There is the person we want to be and then the person the world tells us we are—that’s our fictional self. Do you like what you are doing, being and saying? Is this who you really are? If the answer is “No,” then perhaps it time to makes some changes.  (Photo: Hero Images/Getty Images)


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Recognize When You Are Being Fake - In order to be more authentic, it requires self-awareness and accountability when you are not being genuine or real. Pay attention to when, where and who you are around when you begin to seem disingenuous in the things you are doing and saying. (Photo: Peathegee Inc/GettyImages)

Getting Digital - Online courses at colleges and universities offer flexible options for busy students, and millions of students nationwide are taking advantage. In the 2012 Survey of Online Learning published by the Babson Survey Research Group on Jan. 8, more than 6.7 million students said they took at least one online course during the fall 2011 term, up 570,000 students from the previous year. (Photo: Getty Images/STOCK)

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Redefine Your Values - Feeling more connected to who you are means you need to know what you believe and what you stand for. What are your values? Are material possessions really that important to you? Are you really a mean girl? Jot down what matters to you and how you are going to live a truer life in ways that are consistent with those desires. (Photo: Geri Lavrov/Getty Images)

Set Rules Together - Your room is not a dictatorship. Sit down together and work out rules that you can both live by. Be sure to cover topics such as cleaning (How often will you sweep and who will do it?), visitors (Can dates spend the night?), noise (What time must the music go off?) and sharing (Can you use her nail polish without asking?).  (Photo: Peathegee Inc/Getty Images)

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Quit People Pleasing - Always telling people “Yes,” or always being agreeable, especially when you don’t really agree, can take a toll on you. Try putting yourself first and see how much better you will feel about yourself and how your relationships will improve with others. (Photo: Peathegee Inc/Getty Images)

Don’t Ambush - But don’t drag it out either. Let your lover know that you’d like to talk and ask when he or she is free within the next 48 hours. Try to do it for when you have an hour or two to talk, preferably not right before your mate has to go to work or school — no one needs that kind of stress.  (Photo: Dave & Les Jacobs/Getty Images)

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Let Go of Certain People - Letting go of unhealthy friends and acquaintances isn’t easy, but it’s very necessary in order to be your true self. Try surrounding yourself with people who serve similar purposes and are like-minded. This will only make you stronger. (Photo: Dave & Les Jacobs/Getty Images)

Help Clean Up Your Community - Grab some friends, gloves and garbage bags and make it a weekly or bi-monthly habit to go around your community and throw away trash, paper and other garbage that may be left around. By taking pride in your ‘hood, you can inspire others to do the same.  (Photo: Klaus Vedfelt/Getty Images)

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Do What You Love - Authenticity is linked to your happiness. One way to be closer to your real self is to do things that make you the most happy. Whether it’s volunteering, reading, writing or painting, make time to do these activities more often. (Photo: Klaus Vedfelt/Getty Images)

Personal Space - Unless you’re in an extremely crowded environment, try not to invade someones personal space. No one likes for someone to hover over their shoulder or stand so close they begin to feel uncomfortable.  (Photo: Mint Images - Tim Robbins/Getty Images)

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Stop Comparing Yourself - If you truly want to love yourself, stop comparing yourself to others around you. It’s okay to strive to be better, but these comparisons will only begin to weaken your values and self-esteem. Know that you are unique and amazing just the way you are. (Photo: Mint Images - Tim Robbins/Getty Images)

Watch What You Eat - You are what you eat. Years of eating junk food, drinking booze and smoking can take a toll on your skin and make you look a bit worn down. Eat more real food — greens, lean meats, veggies, nuts, etc. for younger, firmer-looking skin.   (Photo: Abel Mitja Varela/Getty Images)

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Simplify Things - Try cutting down the drama and the fuss out in your life. By simplifying things in all areas of your day-to-day, including the clutter, your commute and your diet, you allow yourself to get back to bare basics, which can help you to focus more on your needs than your wants. (Photo: Abel Mitja Varela/Getty Images)

Photo By Abel Mitja Varela/Getty Images

On Yoga and Satan - “The purpose of such meditation is to empty oneself. … [Satan] is happy to invade the empty vacuum of your soul and possess it."(Photo: JGI/Tom Grill/Getty Images)

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Get Your Om On - Giving yourself the time to sit in silence and get focused can do wonders for your ability to see your life and wants more clearly. Even better: Meditation doesn't cost a thing. (Photo: JGI/Tom Grill/Getty Images)

Photo By Photo: JGI/Tom Grill/Getty Images

Get Busy - You probably have a lot of time on your hands; fill it with a hobby that you’ve always wanted to try, like making jewelry or learning to play tennis. You’ll have something to keep you busy and you’ll have something new to share with your cutie.  (Photo: Hero Images/Getty Images)

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Be Bold and Courageous - Real talk: Being a follower is easy, being an individual isn’t. Sometimes living our true selves can bring about fear and anxiety around what other people are going to think. But to be 100% you is an act of courage and a risk worth taking.  Are you ready? (Photo: Hero Images/Getty Images)