#ISlay: 9 Lessons Learned From Beyoncé's ‘Formation’

When #BlackGirlMagic meets #BlackLivesMatter.

We Slay All Day! - Beyoncé stunned the world when she dropped the visually stunning video for “Formation.” The song, which is the Blackest thing we’ve seen from Beyoncé in the history of her career, sends out some powerful messages about race, gender, sexuality and empowerment. Here are some of the biggest takeaways. By Kellee Terrell(Photo: Parkwood Entertainment / Columbia Records)

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We Slay All Day! - Beyoncé stunned the world when she dropped the visually stunning video for “Formation.” The song, which is the Blackest thing we’ve seen from Beyoncé in the history of her career, sends out some powerful messages about race, gender, sexuality and empowerment. Here are some of the biggest takeaways. By Kellee Terrell(Photo: Parkwood Entertainment / Columbia Records)

Tune Out Your Critics - When you have talent and drive, there are always going to be people who want to undermine your success with their negativity and hating. Instead of being consumed with them, block out them “corny” folks and just continue to “twirl” on them by keeping your eye on the prize. (Photo: Jamie Grill/Blend Images/Corbis)

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Tune Out Your Critics - When you have talent and drive, there are always going to be people who want to undermine your success with their negativity and hating. Instead of being consumed with them, block out them “corny” folks and just continue to “twirl” on them by keeping your eye on the prize. (Photo: Jamie Grill/Blend Images/Corbis)

Stay True to Yourself - Yes, at one point, Bey played it really safe during her career. But now it seems that she isn’t playing those respectability politics games — and her art has been way better for it. It’s not easy to be authentic in a world that rejects who we are, but you just have to keep staying as true to who you really are in order to reach your full potential. Don’t worry about fitting in. Worry about being great.(Photo: Steve Prezant/Corbis)

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Stay True to Yourself - Yes, at one point, Bey played it really safe during her career. But now it seems that she isn’t playing those respectability politics games — and her art has been way better for it. It’s not easy to be authentic in a world that rejects who we are, but you just have to keep staying as true to who you really are in order to reach your full potential. Don’t worry about fitting in. Worry about being great.(Photo: Steve Prezant/Corbis)

Black Is Beautiful - This video is SO Black — and that is an incredible thing! From Blue Ivy’s hair to Bey’s love for Black noses and features to the amazingness of her dancers, this video affirms so much about who we are. That’s an empowering message that we need to hear. We are enough. We are amazing. And we are beautiful — even with our hot sauce in our bags.(Photo: Parkwood Entertainment / Columbia Records)

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Black Is Beautiful - This video is SO Black — and that is an incredible thing! From Blue Ivy’s hair to Bey’s love for Black noses and features to the amazingness of her dancers, this video affirms so much about who we are. That’s an empowering message that we need to hear. We are enough. We are amazing. And we are beautiful — even with our hot sauce in our bags.(Photo: Parkwood Entertainment / Columbia Records)

You Gotta Grind Hard - Beyoncé is clear in this song: working hard and “grinding” are huge factors behind her success and her “paper.” And while us everyday folk will never have Bey money, there is something to be said about the importance of putting in work in order to make your dreams come true. No one is going to hand you anything.(Photo: Ariel Skelley/Blend Images/Corbis)

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You Gotta Grind Hard - Beyoncé is clear in this song: working hard and “grinding” are huge factors behind her success and her “paper.” And while us everyday folk will never have Bey money, there is something to be said about the importance of putting in work in order to make your dreams come true. No one is going to hand you anything.(Photo: Ariel Skelley/Blend Images/Corbis)

You Are Entitled to Success - Working hard is really important and so when you begin to see the rewards from that, being humble is important. But remember: you are entitled to good things in your life. That is a message that more women of color need to hear.(Photo: Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/Blend Images/Corbis)

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You Are Entitled to Success - Working hard is really important and so when you begin to see the rewards from that, being humble is important. But remember: you are entitled to good things in your life. That is a message that more women of color need to hear.(Photo: Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/Blend Images/Corbis)

Your Success Is Your Revenge - Beyoncé may say that the “best revenge is your paper,” but let’s be honest, we ain’t never gonna have that kind of loot. But succeeding and overcoming what has stood in your way is the best way to give those folks and barriers your middle finger. So keep grinding, girl, and keeping doing you.(Photo: Bonninstudio/Westend61/Corbis)

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Your Success Is Your Revenge - Beyoncé may say that the “best revenge is your paper,” but let’s be honest, we ain’t never gonna have that kind of loot. But succeeding and overcoming what has stood in your way is the best way to give those folks and barriers your middle finger. So keep grinding, girl, and keeping doing you.(Photo: Bonninstudio/Westend61/Corbis)


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Black Lives Really Do Matter - Sadly, we know that Black lives are not as valued in this country as they should be. Thankfully, the beautiful and affirming imagery and lyrics in “Formation” tell us the exact opposite. Our lives are so very valuable and we deserve to live in a world where we are as cherished as white folks.(Photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

We Have to Uplift Other Women - Whether it’s jealousy or insecurity, too many women spend a lot of time tearing each other down, which is really counterproductive to our collective success. “Formation” reminds us that as Black women, we need to lead by example, empower and uplift the women around us so we can all slay together.(Photo: Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/Blend Images/Corbis)

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We Have to Uplift Other Women - Whether it’s jealousy or insecurity, too many women spend a lot of time tearing each other down, which is really counterproductive to our collective success. “Formation” reminds us that as Black women, we need to lead by example, empower and uplift the women around us so we can all slay together.(Photo: Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/Blend Images/Corbis)


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Cheddar Bay Biscuits Are Really Good - This may not be about empowerment or anything serious, but I can’t think of the last time I’ve even been to Red Lobster. But Bey reminded me that those biscuits are EVERYTHING. (Photo: bhofack2/Getty Images)