How to Organize Mental Clutter

Lessen the stress and better shape your thought process.


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Photo By Photo: Michael A. Keller/Corbis


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Get Ya Mind Right


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Let It Go


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Reduce Paper Piles

Photo By Photo: Sarah-Jane Joel/Getty Images

Create a System - Instead of completing a task and waiting until later to file it away, do it immediately! Not only will it maximize space by reducing the physical buildup of unnecessary clutter, it will help you wrap up that item mentally so you can move on to the next task.  (Photo: Hero Images/Corbis)

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Create a System


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Make a To-Do List


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Organize and Consolidate

Beat the Clock - Whenever you’re having trouble beginning a difficult project, try setting a 10-minute timer and work in a vigorously intense manner during that fixed period. Usually, once the timer has run its course, you become so engrossed, you feel the need to continue. The rush of energy helps your mind and body move past the paralysis of being unable to begin the necessary assignment.  (Photo: Marion Barat/PhotoAlto/Corbis)

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Don't Waste Time


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