Everything You Wanted to Know About Your Vagina, But Were Afraid to Ask

Girl, don't be scuuuured.

The Deal Down There - Just because we have vaginas doesn’t mean we know enough about them and how they really work. There’s a lot that goes on down there, some of which can be embarrassing and a little scary. But don’t worry, We got you. By Kellee Terrell  (Photo: Inti St. Clair/Blend Images/Corbis)

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The Deal Down There - Just because we have vaginas doesn’t mean we know enough about them and how they really work. There’s a lot that goes on down there, some of which can be embarrassing and a little scary. But don’t worry, We got you. By Kellee Terrell (Photo: Inti St. Clair/Blend Images/Corbis)


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The Deal Down There

There Isn't One Way a Vag Should Look - Vaginas are like fingerprints — everyone’s are different, and that’s pretty amazing. So don’t worry if your vulva — the outer lips of your vagina — is big or hangs differently or if your clitoris is too big or too small. Just celebrate the beauty of you.   (Photo: Brooke Fasani Auchincloss/Corbis)

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There Isn't One Way a Vag Should Look

Masturbation Is Good for You - Did you know that your clitoris has more nerve endings than any other part of your body? That's why that Big-O is the BOMB. So go ahead, explore yourself and have fun with whatever you have handy.   (Photo: Tammy Hanratty/Corbis)

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Masturbation Is Good for You

Sex Shouldn’t Really Hurt - If you like it a little rough, awesome, but sex shouldn’t hurt your vagina or cause a lot of pain. If it does with not rough sex, there could be something going on and you don’t have to be embarrassed. Make an appointment with your gyno to get it checked out.  (Photo: 2/Tom Le Goff/Ocean/Corbis)

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Sex Shouldn’t Really Hurt

STDs Don’t Always Show Symptoms in Women - A lot of people feel like if they have a sexually transmitted disease they would know because your discharge or body would tell you. That isn’t always true, for a lot of people, STDs can show no symptoms. The only way to know if you have an STD is to go and get tested for one.  (Photo: Liba Taylor/Corbis)

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STDs Don’t Always Show Symptoms in Women

Work That Muscle - So your vagina is a muscle that can lose its strength over time, especially if you are getting older and/or have had a few kids. The fix: Kegel exercises that work the pelvic muscles can help support the uterus, bladder and rectum. Even better: You can do it at your desk and no one will ever know. Learn more about Kegels here.   (Photo: Oliver Eltinger/Corbis)

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Work That Muscle

You Don’t Pee Through Your Vagina - This might rock your world, but while men pee through their penises, women don’t actually pee through their vaginas. We urinate through our urethra, which is between our clitoris and vaginal opening. But, of course you already knew this, right?  (Photo: Image Source/Corbis)

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You Don’t Pee Through Your Vagina