How to Be More Resilient

Tips to help you build and draw on inner strength.

Forward March - We all encounter setbacks, from failed relationships to missed promotions. But what’s really important is how we bounce back from them, and our ability to see beyond the stresses of today to the better times of tomorrow—and keep going until we reach them. Read on for tips to help you build and draw on inner strength to get you through tough times. By Kenrya Rankin Naasel (Photo: Tetra Images/Corbis)

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Forward March - We all encounter setbacks, from failed relationships to missed promotions. But what’s really important is how we bounce back from them, and our ability to see beyond the stresses of today to the better times of tomorrow—and keep going until we reach them. Read on for tips to help you build and draw on inner strength to get you through tough times. By Kenrya Rankin Naasel (Photo: Tetra Images/Corbis)


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Listen to Your Thoughts


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Develop Strong Relationships


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Put Things in Perspective


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Look for the Lesson

Computer Love - These days, online dating might as well just be called “dating.” Why? Because it is so common; studies show that at least 38% of people who identify as “single and looking” are using the Internet to connect. Here are the pros and cons of using the Web to find love. By Kenrya Rankin Naasel   (Photo: Jupiterimages/Getty Images)

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Make a Plan

Aim for Flexibility - Part of what makes setbacks so hard is that they are a detour from what you expected. When you make the decision to be flexible, you keep in mind that there are many roads that will get you to where you want to go—and sometimes you’ll discover a whole new, better destination.(Photo: Stephen Tamiesie/Transtock/Corbis)

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Aim for Flexibility