africa political

Vice President Kamala Harris Kicks Off African Tour As Admin Seeks To Strengthen Relations

The Vice President’s diplomatic skills will be under scrutiny as she works to rebuild ties within and throughout the continent.
Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela Dies at 95

Mandela has passed away.

African Leaders Envision Promising Future

At meeting with Obama, leaders tout a new day.

Obama Tackles Gun Control, Immigration and African Development

The president makes appeal for gun law reform.
03/28/2013 Chats With Face 2 Face Africa Magazine Creators

Sandra Appiah and Isaac Boateng will share Africa's stories.
Jacob Zuma, President of South Africa - When Nelson Mandela died last year, Obama was one of many leaders invited to speak at his service. South Africa plays a major political role in Africa. If the U.S can build relations with them, maybe relations with other African nations could be enhanced as well.(Photo: Jeff Zelevansky/Getty Images)

Africa Wants Entry to U.N. Halls of Power

President Jacob Zuma asks leaders for a seat at the table.
John Mahama, Ghana

Ghana's New Leader Talks Africa's Future

The Root interviewed John Mahama before Ghana's tragedy.

DJ Tony Okungbowa: "Acting Is My First Love"

DJ Tony is following his passion for film in Restless City.