mobile phone

Nick Cannon Snuck Cellphones To His Twins After Mariah Carey Said No

“Mariah is still mad at me till this day,” he said.

Visa, MasterCard Moving Into Mobile Pay in Africa

Egypt and Kenya are the first launch sites.
Generation Gap

Text Away an Asthma Attack

Mobile phones may help with recognizing warning signs.
That Depends

Black Twitter on the Rise in South Africa

Blacks in the country spread their voice using the platform.
Girl texting

An App for Tracking Your Sexual Health

Tech2Go: With Chec-Mate, quickly share your HIV status.

Commentary: Blacks Go Mobile to Shop

Black customers are ready and able to spend money on goods.
How Popular is Your Cellphone? - If you’re still only using your landline, consider yourself a minority. Based on a new, national Pew Internet Project poll surveying over 2,200 adults, 83 percent of U.S. adults have a cellphone and 42 percent of those people have a smartphone. If you are a young adult still rocking a flip phone, you are indeed a minority, according to the Pew study. Fifty eight percent of adults between 25- and 34-years-old own a cellphone and 44 percent of Blacks and Latinos are smartphone users. How does your smartphone rank in popularity? Find out in the following pages.

Cell Phones Drive Africa’s Tech Boom

There will be 735 million subscribers by the end of 2012.