george wallace

This Day in Black History: June 11, 1963

First Black students register at the University of Alabama.

Movie Exclusive: Scandal 's Nazanin Boniadi in Romantic Comedy

George Wallace, Maz Jobrani co-star in Shirin in Love.
Paula Deen

Commentary: Paula Deen Longs for Days of Old and She’s Not Alone

The celebrity chef is being sued for racial harassment.
Brown v. Board of Education (1954) - The court ruled that "separate schools are inherently unequal" and banned segregation in public schools.  The decision overturned Plessy v. Ferguson.In this image, a Black student recites his lesson surrounded by white fellows and others Black students on May 21, 1954, at Washington's Saint-Dominique school, where for the first time the Brown v. Board of Education decision was applied. (Photo: STAFF/AFP/Getty Images)

Commentary: A Supreme Court Decision that Remains a Benchmark

The 1954 decision called for the end of segregation.
Commemorating the 1963 Birmingham Bombing

Commentary: Congress Honors Four Little Black Girls and American Resolve

The girls were killed in a 1963 church bombing in Alabama.
University of Alabama Win Right to Reject Black Applicants

This Day in Black History: April 20, 2002

University of Alabama apologized for its history of slavery.

James Hood, Student Who Desegregated University of Alabama, Is Dead

Hood made history as one of its first two Black students.

Commentary: Good Riddance Artur Davis

Davis put his naked ambition ahead of his constituents.