
woman at clinic drawing blood

Yes, You Should Be Screened for STDs

April is STD Awareness Month.
CDC: There Are 20 Million New STD Infections a Year

Study: STDs Up Among Young African-Americans

Black youth are at higher risk for STD infection.

Why You Need to Be Tested and Treated for STDs

Sexually transmitted diseases increase risk for getting HIV.
CDC: There Are 20 Million New STD Infections a Year

Can Better Communication Reduce STD Rates Among Black Youth?

Yes, if more adults would address sexual health directly.

Study: Young People Believe Oral Sex is Risk-Free

Survey says 75 percent of young people have had oral sex.
Gonorrhea Growing Resistant to Drugs - The World Health Organization warned on June 6 that gonorrhea, a sexually transmitted disease, is growing resistant to drugs and could soon become untreatable. The U.N. health agency is “urging governments and doctors to step up surveillance of antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea, a bacterial infection that can cause inflammation, infertility, pregnancy complications and, in extreme cases, lead to maternal death,” the AP reports. (Photo: REUTERS/Morris Mac Matzen)

Gonorrhea Growing Resistant to Drugs, WHO Warns

In a few years, there will be no treatment for the disease.