Guess Who Ray J Is Blaming for Whitney Houston's Death

This is surprising.

Ray J, who is now a contestant on the British reality series Celebrity Big Brother, has been speaking out a lot lately, and the latest piece of information he's revealed involves Whitney Houston's death.

According to the Jasmine Brand, the Love & Hip Hop star said in a recent episode of CBB that he feels responsible for the death of the music icon.

During the episode, Ray J tells fellow contestant Stacy Francis, "It's something that nobody can explain. It's all my fault. All my fault... It's all my fault. All of that happened. I wasn't there"

"Stacy [Francis] and I — we had a conversation about what happened with Whitney Houston before she passed," he continued. "I never talk about it but it was something I felt she wanted to talk about and it was the right time so we talked briefly about it and I told them how I felt, how I blame myself on a lot of stuff."

Expounding on how he feels to blame for the "I Look to You" singer's death, he added, "I never really talked to no one about it. I don't know if I need to more as I've accepted it and it's deep inside of my heart but it still affects me."

Ray J and Houston were reportedly in a romantic relationship prior to her death.

See what Ray J has been up to lately in the BET Breaks video, above. is your No. 1 source for Black celebrity news, photos, exclusive videos and all the latest in the world of hip hop and R&B music. 

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