Secrets, Schemes, and Shocking Surprises: 'Zatima' Delivers Drama on All Fronts
On the latest episode of "Zatima," we pick up from last week’s shocking revelation: Jeremiah is still alive. While this seems like good news and a clear path for Zac to be free, Fatima wants Zac to sit in jail for at least one more day.
This week’s episode starts with a nosy CO—who also happens to be friends with Deja—telling Zac that Deja claims Fatima is stepping out with another man. His so-called proof is a photo of Fatima hugging a man whose face isn’t visible but strongly resembles Dr. Reid. Zac doesn’t seem to believe it or care much at first. The CO then reveals that he knows Nate too, because of course, everything’s connected. He gives Zac his phone so Zac can call Nate. Naturally, Nate goes against Fatima’s wishes and tells Zac that Jeremiah is alive and he should be a free man. This revelation is bound to cast doubt in Zac’s mind about Fatima’s intentions.
Fast forward. Nate, not content to leave well enough alone, reaches out to Bryce for help in getting Zac out of jail. Bryce calls his contact, Judge Simon, and explains the situation. The judge informs him that Zac’s release isn’t as simple as it seems and that there’s a complication—but he’ll look into it. Nate, being Nate, pushes for at least a bail release, which means they have to involve Preston, the money man.
Meanwhile, while Nate is meddling, Fatima is also working on getting Zac out of jail. This whole situation is setting up for an avalanche of drama. Ultimately, Nate and Bryce manage to secure Zac’s bail. Zac is happy to see Nate but still gives Bryce the cold shoulder and insists they not tell Fatima just yet. It’s clear no one has learned the importance of transparency or the dangers of keeping secrets.
The episode ends on a strange note. Earlier, Angela and Fatima met a man at the gym. Angela, being Angela, invited him to her house—but things quickly took a weird turn. The man starts telling Angela he came to see her because she’s the “Big Black B--ch.”
He claims to be a fan and wants to “see what she can do.” Confused and offended, Angela kicks him out. The man becomes enraged but leaves, only to stand outside her door, yelling that he’s not crazy. Angela calls Fatima to explain the situation but eventually decides to confront the man again. When she goes to the window to see what he’s hollering about, the episode ends with her shocked words: “Oh my god!”