Tyler Perry’s ‘The Oval’ Episode 10 Recap

Is Gayle's mother more dangerous than the 'hood?

We hope you enjoyed your break, because it’s time for more drama from those dysfunctional characters of The Oval! 

In case you need a refresher, we ended the last episode with Gayle headed back to the White House with her mother and the secret service. But she wasn’t safe. Her evil mama started tormenting her as soon as she got in the car and so, she decided that jumping out of a moving vehicle was the best option.

RELATED: Tyler Perry’s ‘The Oval’ Episode 9 Recap

This is where we pick up tonight’s episode—with Gayle lying on the ground in excruciating pain after pulling another stupid stunt. Agent Yuma suggests they call an ambulance because, duh! But Victoria, the Wicked Witch of the West Wing, ain’t tryna have press all up in her dysfunctional business and she could care less about Gayle’s well being. It’s all about appearances with her so she demands that they put Gayle back in the car and tend to her at home. 


  • Charles Bergmann/BET/Tyler Vision

    Back at the White House, Sam, head of security, tells Donald, the Chief of Staff, that the Sparrow is headed back home. However, because this is a sensitive situation, he wants all senior staff on board. He uses this as his opportunity to remind Donald that they need to bring Richard back. Surprise, surprise, Donald actually forgot that Hunter said to bring Richard back on board a minute ago. He says he will get back on the case and that’s where we are for now. 

    Speaking of Richard, this next scene takes place at his home. Sharon finally got Barry to stop being a spazz. He’s obviously still worried about his daughter but he also hasn’t slept in two days.  He does manage to apologize to Sharon for his behavior before knocking out.  

    Meanwhile, downstairs, Nancy is still with the woman from the Ragadooshi cult that broke into her house. She’s trying to find out where her grandbaby is,  but all this woman keeps doing is rambling about the childhood trauma that led her to this dark place and how she’s a sinner. It’s remarkable how much patience Nancy has because any other person probably would have started beating the breaks off of her. Anyway, we don’t get any closer to learning where Callie is before Nancy gets tired of her rambling and basically tells her she needs Jesus before heading upstairs in tears (in lieu of committing homicide, I guess). Now who in their right mind would leave that crazy woman in their house? Smh. 

    Sharon asks Nancy if she got anything out of the Ragadooshi woman, but Nancy says their only hope is Richard because he’s good at getting information out of people. 

    In case you were wondering where Richard is, he stumbled upon another rally calling for Justice for Thomas, the man Barry accidentally shot when they were tussling over his gun. The chief of police tells the crowd they have surveillance cameras from buildings and believe that the car was either blue or green but they won’t stop looking for the perpetrator. Richard is shook, obviously.  


  • Charles Bergmann/BET/Tyler Vision

    Back at the White House, Jason is back to his exploration shenanigans. He lurks his way right over to the room where his pops is getting it on with his mistress, Denise. Max tells him to go away but Jason decides to be a jerk and calls his mother to tell her what’s happening. 

    He explains that his father is in the West Wing having sex with someone that couldn’t be her because it sounds too fun. 

    Laaaawd, these people are crazy. 

    Anyway, you know hell is about to rain down when Victoria gets home so let’s get to the main event.  

    Hunter is wrapping things up with Denise just as Hurricane Victoria pulls up. Homegirl changes into her sneakers first. You already know she means business as she sprints down the hallway rocking a white suit and some kicks. Hunter steps out of the room and Max is still in front of the door because he’s responsible for taking Denise home. All hell breaks loose when Max refuses to move. Hunter asks Max to remove Victoria but on the real, he’s afraid and actually hesitates.  Like, he’s really considering his life right now. Anyway, Max takes too long so Hunter goes to grab Victoria and they start fighting. Jason is standing by watching casually, and all that’s missing is a drink in his hand. Max tries miserably to break it up, but Sam and his crew end up seeing what’s going down on surveillance so they come through and break up the brawl. Agents manage to sneak Denise out before any further damage is done. 

    By this point, everyone on staff has seen enough to be disturbed by the antics of  this administration to the point of thinking about finding another job. The sad thing is, this is only the beginning. 


  • Charles Bergmann/BET/Tyler Vision

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  • Finally, we find out that another group of agents, led by Kyle, scooped up Picky and some of his boys. The agents pretend that they were picked up because Gayle is still missing and they need to be questioned but what’s about to happen is a lot more wicked. The men are lined up, and then shot one by one, while also being filmed! The episode ends with Kyle pointing his gun at Picky, we hear a gunshot and then it all fades to black. We don’t see Picky get shot, and we can play ourselves and think maybe Kyle shot at the wall or something, but nah. It’s safe to assume the worst. Picky ain’t gonna make it. 

    In next week’s preview, we see Victoria showing Gayle some video on her phone and Gayle asks what she did to Picky. Victoria replies that she’s teaching her what real pain is.  

    Until next week...


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