Harvard University

Black Harvard Students Call Claudine Gay's Departure 'Devastating'

After the first Black president in Harvard’s history left in the midst of being accused of plagiarism, Black students there note the harm caused.

Why Former Harvard President Claudine Gay Needed 24-Hour Guard

She was the target of death threats and racist attacks as a campaign for her termination gained momentum.

OPINION: Did Harvard Betray Dr. Claudine Gay?

After watching their first Black president relentlessly attacked by the conservative right, it’s time the Ivy League school took some responsibility.
Dr. Claudine Gay, President of Harvard University, testifies before the House Education and Workforce Committee at the Rayburn House Office Building on December 05, 2023 in Washington, DC.

Harvard University President Claudine Gay Resigns

Dr. Gay, celebrated as Harvard's first Black president, is stepping down after controversial comments made before Congress.

House GOP Investigating Plagiarism Allegations Against Harvard President

Harvard’s first Black president has been under pressure to resign.
Laylah Amatullah Barrayn

Chronicling 50 Years Of Hip-Hop Through The Archives of Ice T and Afrika Islam

Award-winning photographer Laylah Amatullah Barrayn curated the exhibit.

Claudine Gay Becomes First Black President Of Harvard University

‘I stand before you today humbled by the prospect of leading Harvard,’ the daughter of Haitian immigrants said at her inauguration.

Harvard Names Black Woman As New Dean Of Divinity School

Dr. Marla Frederick is the first Black woman to serve as Dean of the Ivy League institution.

BREAKING NEWS: Supreme Court Ends Affirmative Action in Education In Landmark Ruling

According to the majority of Supreme Court Justices, affirmative action is no longer constitutional.

Four Black Harvard Students ‘Horrified’ After Police Hold Them At Gunpoint

A false 911 report sent campus police to raid a dorm suite leaving many enraged including several alumni.