AIDS medication

CDC Launches New HIV Treatment Campaign

Initiative focuses on the importance of taking AIDS meds.
Experimental AIDS Vaccine Found to be Effective in Monkeys - Also in AIDS vaccine news, this year saw success in the trials of an experimental vaccine that allowed monkeys with a form of the AIDS virus to control the infection for more than a year, leading many to believe that it may lead to a vaccine for people.(Photo: EPA/SALVATORE DI NOLFI/LANDOV)

Girl Hoped to Have Been Cured From HIV Has Relapsed

The virus has showed up in the 4-year-old’s blood.

Commentary: What Does the Second Baby "Cured" From HIV Really Mean?

Remember, treatment doesn’t cure HIV in adults.

Study: Black HIV-Positive Youth Less Likely to Be Linked to Care

HIV-positive youth need to stay on a treatment regimen.