Jimmy Henchman Faces New Charges, Loss of Homes

Federal prosecutors are looking to seize property from the music exec.

He was arrested on 13 charges stemming from his role in a far-flung cocaine distribution ring, but things are still getting worse for manager and music executive Jimmy "Henchman" Rosemond.
Federal authorities, who say Rosmond played "a supervisory and management position" in the cartel, are reportedly seeking to confiscate his $3 million dollar Brooklyn condo as well as another $1 million dollar property by the Hudson River in Manhattan.
According to, the Czar Entertainment founder was arraigned in a Brooklyn court yesterday along with two of his brothers, Kessner and Mario, who are also accused of being involved in the drug ring. Prosecutors say the operation was bringing in upwards of $10 million a year.
Evidence against Rosemond includes secretly taped wire recordings, according to U.S. Attorney Todd Kaminsky.

(Photo: Johnny Nunez/WireImage)

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