Watch The Trailer For Chris Brown's 'Welcome To My Life' Documentary

Looks like the highlights and lowlights of his career will be covered in this one.

It looks like Chris Brown is ready to finally sit down and reflect on his successes, and more importantly, his missteps.

Last night, the pop singer released the trailer for his forthcoming documentary Welcome to My Life. In it, you follow Breezy’s path from exploding to stardom to the downfalls of the Rihanna abuse scandal and other times his temper got the best of him.

The two-minute trailer features commentary from Usher, Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Lopez, Rita Ora and Terrence Jenkins, among others. Brown himself seems to speak candidly about periods of rampant drug abuse and even thoughts of suicide.

“I felt like a f**king monster,” he said. “I was thinking about suicide and everything else. I wasn’t sleeping. I wasn’t eating. I was just getting high.”

Directed by Riviting Entertainment, the documentary presumably begins with Brown’s rise to fame and everything that came with it. Like others who skyrocket to superstar status at a young age, he effectively had no childhood, which he seems to claim had an affect on his personal development.

“Like, real life rockstars,” CB said, “It was like a fairy tale. I went from being on top of the world. Number one songs, being kind of like America’s sweetheart, to being public enemy number one.”

Watch Chris Brown’s trailer for Welcome To My Life below. is your No. 1 source for Black celebrity news, photos, exclusive videos and all the latest in the world of hip hop and R&B music.

(Photo: Bryan Steffy/Getty Images for Drai's Beachclub-Nightclub)

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