
African Students Told To Return To Ukraine Or Risk Not Finishing Their Degrees

Ukrainian education officials have reportedly issued a deadline to the students to sit for exams despite the increasing danger.

Ukraine-Russia Prisoner Swap Frees U.S. Air Force Veteran Suedi Murekezi

The Rwandan immigrant who fled genocide said he was tortured for two weeks while in Russian-held territory.

U.S. Air Force Veteran Being Detained In Ukraine By Russian Separatists

In the middle of the ongoing conflict between the two countries, Suedi Murekezi was arrested allegedly for joining pro-Ukraine protests in a separatist region.

Former MSNBC Analyst Malcolm Nance Joins Foreign Fighters In Ukraine

The U.S. Navy veteran and counterterrorism expert says friends in Ukraine are overwhelmed by the Russian assault.

WHO Chief: World Treats Crises Affecting Blacks And Whites Differently

There’s a bias against Black lives as the world fails to treat ‘the human race the same way,‘ Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus says.

Obama Warns Russia’s Invasion Of Ukraine Is A Threat To Democracy

Millions have fled the worn-torn nation.

Hundreds Of Black Students Escape War In Ukraine, Canadian Group Says


Black Detroit Man, 62, Headed To Ukraine: 'I'm Actually Going To Fight'

African Americans have ‘a history of standing for what is right,’ the U.S. Army veteran says.

Humans Rights Lawyers Call For The United Nations To Better Protect Africans Fleeing Ukraine

Benjamin Crump is one of many asking for equal treatment at the border.

Jamaicans Faced Racist Gunmen While Fleeing Ukraine, Students Say

'A Ukrainian actually put a gun to his head,’ a Jamaican student recalled seeing his friend forced off a train.