Meghan Markle's Future Father-In-Law Slammed For Racist Comment

Not cool, Prince Charles.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are set to marry May 19 at Windsor Castle in England. It is one of the most anticipated weddings in history, but it seems like some members of the Royal family might need some cultural sensitivity training. 

To see how their romance began, watch the video above.

According to Anita Sethi, a British writer for The Guardian, when she met Prince Charles, Prince Harry's father, after speaking during the Commonwealth People’s Forum, he asked her where she was from. Sethi said she was from Manchester, a city in northwestern England. According to Sethi, Charles responded with, “Well, you don’t look like it!” and laughed.
Sethi is of Indian descent, was “ stunned by the gaffe." See the photo of her below.

The comment was allegedly made just a few hours after Queen Elizabeth publicly endorsed her son to succeed her as the next Head of the Commonwealth. Sethi wrote, “That the mooted next leader of an organization that represents one-third of the people on the planet commented that I, a brown woman, did not look as if I was from a city in the UK is shocking. This is exactly why some people, including the prince, urgently need a history lesson about immigration, the British empire, the Commonwealth and colonialism.” 

Well said, Sethi. Clearly, this was a racist micro aggression from Prince Charles. Makes you wonder what his reaction was to Meghan when he discovered she was mixed race. Also, let's not forget when Princess Michael wore that racist  brooch that is synonymous with fetishizing images of slavery and colonialism.
The Royals have a lot of learning to do about race, nationality and colonialism.

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