‘Ms Pat Settles It!’: The Five Wildest Cases We’ve Seen Thus Far

Ms. Pat is the judge and the ratchet executioner, settling interesting cases for celebrities and everyday people.

We’ve learned by now that you should expect the unexpected on “Ms Pat Settles It!  So far, we have seen some interesting cases, and Ms Pat always uses her wit and street smarts to make her judgments. Here’s a round-up of five of the wildest cases we’ve seen thus far, up to episodes nine and 10. 

Mama Gotta Have a Life 


For example, tonight’s episode (episode 9) may have featured one of the wildest cases with Brown vs. Brown. Imagine having to sue your mom. It happens, but these particular shady circumstances are unlike what we usually see. Here’s the deal: Justin Brown sued his mother, Gail, for $4,500, saying she has been triple-dipping into financial support for her kids and using it to ball out. Justin says he loves his mom and is thankful for her but is annoyed because he had been giving her $500 a month for her mortgage and other bills since she always complained about not having money to cover her costs. Justen then spoke to his sister-in-law and discovered that she and his brother had given her $600 monthly. Mama has been using the money for drinking and partying, and Justin had photo proof. Mama’s side of the story is that she owes her kids nothing because they wouldn’t be here without her and they better be thankful she gave them a good life. Basically, It’s her time to have fun and treat herself with their money. The thing is, it’s putting a financial strain on Justin. Ms. Pat rules in favor of Gail. She doesn’t have to pay her son back, but Ms Pat tells her to stop scamming her children because they don’t have it like that yet, to take care of her fully.  

3 Important Life Lessons from 'Ms. Pat Settles It!'

The Case of the Amateur Cook


In episode 10, we find Khadija Metayer suing Toya Boyer for $950. Metayer claims she paid Boyer to cater an event she threw and that it didn’t work out. Metayer said guests hated the food and had proof. People said the ribs were dry, the rice was mushy, and there wasn’t enough. Metayer asserted that when she brought it up to Boyer, her friend cursed her and everyone out before leaving. Boyer said she was hired to cook for 55 people, but 150 people showed up, and anyone who complained probably came late and didn’t get fresh food. Ultimately, Boyer also revealed that she wasn’t a professional chef. She was an amateur cook who had never cooked for a large group but took the opportunity to cook for Metayer’s event because she had aspirations of catering one day. Obviously, if you’re an event planner, then you shouldn’t hire a novice to do a hefty job. Ms Pat ruled in favor of the plaintiff but urged both women to keep their friendship intact. Boyer apologized, but both women agreed never to do business again to keep their friendships intact. 

Caresha, Please! 

Caresha accuses her bestie, Saucy Santana, of stealing her look. He started out doing her makeup, so Caresha says he took what he was doing for her and did it on himself. The funniest thing throughout this is that Ms Pat couldn’t say Saucy. She kept calling him some version of Salsa or Sauca. In the end, Ms. Pat ruled in favor of Caresha but simultaneously said Saucy didn't look anything like her and that maybe she was paranoid. Ultimately, the remedy was for them to hug it out, which they did before getting some margaritas. 

Battle of the Reality TV Icons 


Nene Leakes claims she lost her role as Ms Pat’s sister on the Ms Pat Show to Tami. Tami said she didn’t steal anything because she’s the Frederick Douglas of reality TV. Frederick Douglas is a stretch, but Tami is a reality TV pioneer, blazing, a trail for Nene Leakes. Nene claimed she was on a show about wives first, then Tami was on a show about wives, she wore bonnets first then Tami started wearing bonnets, and Tami rebutted with the fact that Nene got a job because she had a job. The entire thing was a cackle as they went back and forth about who stole what and who was more famous than who. Tami also had a countersuit for $1,500, claiming that she flew to Nene’s wedding thinking she had a plus one, but when she got to the wedding, there was only one seat, so she felt she should get her money back. Ms Pat said Tami had more of a case since she blazed a trail in reality TV as an OG. However, for some reason, Ms. Pat settled in favor of Nene, giving her $1500 because Tami’s character on the Ms. Pat Show never pays rent. It was all love, though, and this case was cute. 

 Booty Call in the DR 


Remember Stephanie, who sued her friend Shawnda for $250 for kicking her out of their hotel room on a girl’s trip to the Dominican Republic? Shawnda met a man and got it in. Stephanie was uncomfortable and decided to leave the room but Shawnda wasn’t going to kick her out and stated that it’s not like people haven’t watched on girls trips before. Anyway, Ms Pat ruled in Shawnda’s favor because Stephanie could have just rolled over and acted like she didn’t hear anything. If that isn’t wild, what is? 

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