Cincinnati Campus Police Cited More Blacks in Recent Months

Sixty percent of university's traffic citations were for African-Americans.

CINCINNATI (AP) — The University of Cincinnati police chief has expressed alarm after a newspaper found a recent surge of citations against black motorists and pedestrians before an officer's fatal shooting of a blackdriver after a traffic stop.

The Cincinnati Enquirer reports university police made 932 traffic-related citations through July of this year, three times the number in 2012. The newspaper's analysis found 62 percent of those cited were black, up from 43 percent in 2012.


Chief Jason Goodrich says he was "horrified" at the findings and wants to get to the bottom of the disparity.

The school fired officer Ray Tensing after he was charged with murder in the July 19 shooting of Samuel DuBose, who was stopped for missing a front license plate. Tensing has pleaded not guilty.
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(Photo: Carrie Cochran/The Cincinnati Enquirer/AP Photo)

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