Jackson Family Rejects Debbie Rowe as Paris Jackson Guardian

Paris' biological mother reportedly expressed interest in caring for the troubled teen.

Despite the family bonding that has been going on between Paris Jackson and her birth mother, Debbie Rowe, the Jackson family is not ready to let Rowe take a more official role in the troubled teen's life. 
After Rowe reportedly expressed interested in taking over the role as her daughter's legal guardian from Katherine Jackson and TJ Jackson, who currently jointly hold the role, the Jackson family has reportedly made it clear that they would fight her "tooth and nail" if she tried.
TMZ reports that a judge is looking into the welfare of the 15-year-old following her suicide attempt last week, and will be paying close attention to whether or not Paris' current guardianship arrangement is serving her well. According to sources, TJ is a marginal figure in the lives of Michael Jackson's three children due to his responsibilities to his own wife and kids, and that Paris feels increasingly disconnected to her aging grandmother. 
Over the past few weeks, Paris seems to have formed a bond with her birth mother, Rowe, and was said to have made plans to spend the summer with her to stay away from the multiple lawsuits dogging her family and smearing her late father's name.
Rowe, who confirmed to Entertainment Tonight last week that Paris did indeed attempt suicide, has reportedly made no moves toward guardianship but has made it clear she's open to the idea if that's what's best for Paris. 
The Jackson family is allegedly suspicious of Rowe's motives, believing she wants to be a part of Paris' life simply for fame. One source said, "If her intentions were pure, she'd be speaking to the family."
Michael Jackson's only daughter is currently receiving treatment from doctors at UCLA Medical Center, the same place where her father was declared dead in 2009.
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 (Photo: Blue Wasp / Splash News)

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